The CCL Modem Tool is a CTB (Communication ToolBox) Connection Tool that supports scripting. It reads ARA compatible scripts from text files and performs basic communications functions like initializing a modem and establishing a connection. The script can control host login too.
I use it in place of Apple's Modem Tool because it gives me direct control over the connection process and it has a nice CheckBox to turn the modem's speaker On/Off.
Place the CCL Modem Tool and the desired CCL script(s) in the Extensions folder for System 7. Two sample scripts are included in this archive; one for basic 2400 bps modems and the other for the fantastic Global Village TelePort Gold 14,400 bps modems with V.42 error correction.
If necessary, you can use Apple's 'Modem Workshop' to modify the scripts to work with other modems. You can also edit them by changing the file type from 'mlts' to 'TEXT' and then using any text editor (even TeachText). When finished be sure to change the type back to 'mlts'.
Technical Note: String matches are done very precisely including any parity bits. Be careful if you're receiving 7 bit data with parity when the comm port is set to 8 bit mode. The string comparisons are 8 bit and may not match as expected because of the extra parity bit. Everything works OK if you set the Comm Port to precisely match the parity of the incoming data.
Posted here by Joe Huber with permission from the author Vladimir Butenko.